“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告 —— Arsenyev Nikolay 研究员
应稀有同位素前沿科学中心邀请,俄罗斯杜布纳联合原子核研究所Arsenyev Nikolay研究员将于2024年10月31日来校进行学术交流并作报告。
报告题目:Constraints on neutron skin thickness and symmetry energy
报告时间:2024年10月31日(星期四)10: 00
The structure of exotic neutron-rich nuclei is one of the main science drivers in contemporary nuclear physics research. The new measurements of pygmy dipole (PDR) and giant dipole (GDR) resonances in neutron-rich nuclei have sparked advancements in nuclear models. The quasiparticle random phase approximation, utilizing the self-consistent mean-field derived from Skyrme effective interactions, is a widely used tool for describing the PDR and GDR. This approach made it possible to a successful description of the properties of low-lying states and the characteristics of giant multipole resonances in spherical nuclei.
Due to the anharmonicity of vibrations there is a coupling between simple particle-hole configurations and more complex states. As an illustration, we study the properties of the low-lying dipole states in the neutron-rich Ca and Ni isotopes. This reveals a number of characteristic features of the low-energy E1 modes. The effect of the low-energy E1 strength on the electric dipole polarizability is discussed. The correlations between the electric dipole polarizability, the symmetry energy, and neutron skin thickness are studied. The analysis of experimental data and calculation results constrained the symmetry energy of nuclear matter in the range J=30-37 MeV.
Dr. Arsenyev Nikolay is a Senior Researcher at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia. He has expertise of nuclear density functional theory like Skyrme interaction (includes Bogoliubov-Hartree-Fock and quasiparticle random-phase approximations-QRPA). He also has experience in modeling the effects of the coupling between the one-, two-and three-phonon components in the wave functions of excited states, analyzing the influence of 2p-2h and 3p-3h configurations on the properties of the low-lying and high-lying E0, E1, and E2 strength distributions in nuclei near 48Ca, 78Ni, 90Zr, 132Sn, and 208Pb; also the nuclear weak interaction processes (electron capture and β-decay). Additionally, He is also interested in the random matrix theory. Dr. Arsenyev received many awards for his contributions, including the encouraging prize for theoretical Physics Research, Blokhintsev prize for young scientists (twice), Smorodinsky prize for young scientists (twice), Soloviev prize for young scientists (twice). Dr. Arsenyev has published 59 papers with 402 citations.