“稀有同位素前沿科学”系列报告—— Valentin Nesterenko 教授
应稀有同位素前沿科学中心邀请,俄罗斯杜布纳联合原子核研究所Valentin Nesterenko教授将于2024年10月30日来校进行学术交流并作报告。
报告题目:Recent results of Dubna collaboration: E1 toroidal mode, K-isomers in No isotopes, wavelet analysis of monopole excitation
报告时间:2024年10月30日(星期三)10 : 00
A short review of some recent results of collaboration Dubna – Darmstadt – Erlangen - Bratislava - Prague – Johannesburg is presented. Theoretical analysis is performed within fully self-consistent quasiparticle random-phase approximation method with Skyrme forces.
As the first item, the exotic toroidal E1 mode is outlined. It is shown that this vortical mode is a general feature of atomic nuclei. The overlap of the toroidal mode with pygmy dipole resonance is discussed. Using Darmstadt’s (e,e’) data, we show that this mode can be observed in inelastic scattering of electrons to back angles.
Next, the K isomers in No isotopes are analyzed. It is shown that widely disputed 8- isomer in 254No can be unambiguously assigned as twoquasiparticle neutron configuration 7/2+[624], 9/2-[734].
Finally, wavelet analysis of recent iThemba (???’) data on monopole excitations in prolate 24Mg and oblate 28Si nuclei is presented. To discriminate different physical effects, the region of monopole giant resonance and region of the deformation-induced monopole-quadrupole coupling are considered separately. The impact of Landau damping to wavelet scales is scrutinized.
Professor Valentin Nesterenko is currently a leading research staff member at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna, Russia, where he has been working since 1974. Additionally, he holds a professor position at the Federal State University of Dubna. His scientific interests encompass various areas of nuclear physics, including density-functional theory, giant resonances, superheavy nuclei, and wavelet analysis. He also conducts research in nanosystems and atomic trapped Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). He has made significant contributions to the low-lying vibrational states, excited states, and phonon-phonon coupling. He has 162 publications, including three in Physical Review Letters. His has won many awards such as the First JINR prize for 2018 for the work “Vortical excitations in nuclei”.